“Don’t Buy A $600 Camera If You’re Just Going To Put A Cheap Lens On It” →
This is how Business Insider re-titled my kit-lens post. This is why people who write opinions online get so much unnecessary shit from people: they read these inflammatory headlines that other people write, then they get unfairly angry at the original posts’ authors.
I didn’t say don’t put a “cheap lens” on your SLR. I said don’t use the kit lens — specifically, the 18–55mm lens that comes with most Canon SLRs for about a $150 premium over getting the body alone. Instead, I recommended getting the EF 40mm f/2.8 prime, which retails for… $150.
Their headline turned my argument about quality and value into elitist-sounding flamebait.
But I shouldn’t be surprised, because Business Insider knows nothing about quality and value.