If you use Tumblr, please consider reblogging this post and updating it with the people you FollowOnTumblr.
Great idea. My list is too huge to be in list format (I follow 143 people right now), so here it is in crowded form:
david, Aneilia, lee, moth, justin, ian, webmarc, thechickendeli, merlin, ben, szymon, contrivedchaos, shadowfirebird, azspot, perelson, jnunemaker, dailymeh, jake, johan, necrodome, tiffany, yum9me, ideas, lindsey, pikamookie, cubicle17, internhack, topherchris, jaschu, bandw, j, drmoldawer, gina, mayde, toldorknown, squashed, carolyn, nickdouglas, nevyn, sarahlane, owenj23, adora, incidentalthinking, sisterpearl, cowboyo, gondaba, sillywalks, sublevel3, confessions, nikography, nicklog, christmasgorilla, soxiam, travors, kiyo, justbrowsing, stumblng, ryandeussing, friends, delee928, blogish, mistermeth, yourmonkeycalled, aatw, deplorableword, nostrich, bullshit, cultrvultr, bell, dirtymodern, migzboi, blogspotter, anmar, jakoblodwick, kevinrose, samreich, jstn, rickyv, phlegon, jlog, fat, topofthedesk, cameronio, dirtyglass, inadequate, johnbrissenden, andreaallen, jacobbijani, dalasverdugo, 1daydown, dawnowar, oats, ericlodwick, martoq, danarbaugh, superdoofus-stratodrive, randomacts, farfaraway, jakeandamir, skidder, visual, airtight, jrtasel, talby, crispyteriyaki, insertname, solentdreams, huge, gtmcknight, montoya, inky, noisediary, jessta, larkspur, greenshinobi, juddalovin, patlutz, meghanasha, mareen, rodmitch, zetahydrae, fred-wilson, creepy, inkscar, kruyskamp, robgo, travelerica, tmorningstar, fledglingdesign, damnedthing, fuddmain, falconieri, vivia, totr, dearinternet, fvp, fascinated, cbeth, ohboy, ontheotherhand, gknauss, jakobandjulia, ghostvirus