I normally don’t participate in these online chain-letter survey things, but I wanted to this time. Sue me.
Ten years ago I was:
In the middle of finals week, ending my sophomore year of high school. But I wasn’t studying. I never studied. Finals were like a vacation to me. “You mean I only need to go to school for a few hours this week?”
Five things on today’s to do list:
- Make significant progress on New Top-Secret Awesome Tumblr Feature That I’ve Been Working On All Week.
- Find and buy an album for this.
- Get database-dump rotation going on a different server.
- Play Rock Band.
- Enjoy some gourmet beer at Hop Devil.
Things I’d do if I were a billionaire:
- Buy a house here.
- Conservatively save and invest enough that I have a comfortable, continuous, guaranteed salary (from interest) for life.
- Give my mother a retirement fund.
- Give my future kids a college fund.
- Maybe I’d finally be able to justify a pair of 30” Apple monitors.
- Donate a lot. Who needs a billion dollars? How can you possibly use that?
- Aggressively invest a portion into tiny tech companies that I believe in.
Three bad habits:
- I’m very lazy and I lack a consistent work ethic.
- I don’t exercise enough.
- I have trouble finishing projects that I’ve started.
Places I have lived:
Most-recent first:
- Larchmont, NY (2 years)
- Pittsburgh, PA (2 years)
- Meadville, PA (college, 4 years)
- Bexley, OH (7 years)
- Columbus, OH (11 years)
Six jobs I’ve had in my life:
- Tumblr CTO/Chief Scientist/Lead Developer (I don’t really have a consistent title)
- Vivisimo software engineer
- Staples retail salesperson
- Bruegger’s bagel baker and sandwich assembler
- Giuseppe’s busboy
- Bexley Natural Market hippie co-op employee
(via AZspot)