Meet Apple’s Favorite Blogger →
Mark Milian (a friend) and Adam Satariano for Businessweek, profiling John Gruber:
His bare-bones site consists mainly of links to other articles with a few sentences of commentary, along with the occasional lengthier analysis on topics such as screen resolution.
I love how that probably sounds horrible to “normal” people,1 but sounds right up my alley (and yours, in all likelihood).
I’m also amused at the “Bottom Line”, which makes it sound like the purpose of the article is to speculate on Daring Fireball’s revenue, presumably because this is Businessweek and that’s what they think they’re supposed to do.
My wife listens to my podcast. And when I was going to be on Mac Power Users, she asked what kind of show it was and what we might be talking about. I explained it to her, but that didn’t go well.
“So… you’re going to talk about your scanner?”
“Maybe. Or how I organize the files from my scanner. They talk about that kind of thing a lot, and I’d like to compare my strategy to theirs and see if I can improve my filing system.”
“… I think I’m not going to listen to this one.”
It was for the best. ↩︎