What I’d Do With Glassboard →
Justin Williams on the news that Glassboard is for sale.
I agree with a lot of his proposals, but while I agree that the website needs a lot of help, I consider it too essential to shut down for an extended remodeling period.
Glassboard has two major uses for me: conference group chat and drinking-location coordination (which it’s OK but not great at, and for which there are a million alternatives), and private group collaboration, which has far less competition and is useful all the time rather than just during the one week a year that you’re at a conference with other geeks who use it.
The year-round, group-collaboration use requires the website because most people still get their work done on computers. Not only is this probably a better business (see also: 37signals), but it’s also less turbulent, brings more steady customers, and is useful to small businesses (and therefore is easy to charge money for).