Need: Volume 2 →
When Matt Alexander (yes, that one) started Need last month, I looked at all of the cool stuff in Volume 1 and thought, “This would look so good on someone taller, thinner, and generally cooler than me.” So I talked myself out of buying the featured Filson jacket, even though I’d been considering buying something from Filson ever since Roderick On The Line 60.
But Matt sent me the jacket anyway. Apparently I did a minor favor for him forever ago, which I don’t even remember doing, and it certainly wasn’t worth a free high-end jacket. Then he tried to talk me out of at least linking to Need as a return favor, because he’s a classy guy.
And even though I’m not tall, thin, or cool, it looks fantastic. My wife even retracted her doubts after seeing it in person.
Matt can pick nice-looking clothes that even I can pull off. I’m impressed, and for the first time ever, I’ve subscribed to a fashion guide.